
How Secure Is Your Customer and Employee Data in Your POS

By Jackie Prange

Illustration of thieving hands trying to break into restaurant OS

Your POS is a critical business tool full of powerful information. So how would you feel if your POS provider regularly tapped into the brain of your restaurant and sifted through your data, just to make some extra cash?

Our guess? Not great.

When your data is sold to a third party, your information becomes more vulnerable to potential security breaches because – duh! – it’s no longer housed solely on your POS. It could be living in many places.

If you’re reading this thinking, “No, no… my POS is more secure than the Pentagon!”

That’s all well and good – but no matter how secure your POS, if your data is sold to a third party who experiences a security breach, you can kiss that level of security goodbye. 

Sadly, this is a reality for some POS providers; while they may offer a great tool, your customer and employee data are theirs for the taking – and selling. Worse yet? You won’t see a cent of that profit.

When looking for your perfect POS provider, don’t overlook information security. Below we’ll let you know how you’re protected with TouchBistro, and some fine print to help you spot a money-hungry, data-selling provider before it’s too late.

Fine Print Red Flags

When you’re signing a contract with a new POS provider, this is language you’ll want to watch out for. This is fine print that indicates you’re giving permission to a POS provider to sell your information to a third party.

“We collect information you provide when you access or participate in certain aspects of our Services, such as when you create any type of account, use our Services, making purchases, leaving a review, download one of our mobile applications, complete a survey, or enter contests or other promotions.”

“We may share User and Subscriber information with our subsidiaries and affiliates. You agree to the international sharing of such data among our related companies.”

“The information you provide may specifically identify you.”

“We may use and disclose to our service providers and analytics partners non-personally identifiable information that we collect, including cookie data and Log Data.”

So if it’s not sitting well that your POS provider is selling your precious – personal – information, good! It shouldn’t. When you are considering a new POS system like TouchBistro or Focus POS, take the time to read contract agreements in full before you sign to keep your data where it belongs – in your hands and no one else’s.

Photo of Jackie Prange
by Jackie Prange

Jackie was a Content Marketing Specialist and Social Media strategist at TouchBistro before moving into business development role. She covered the latest food, dining, and technology trends for the restaurant industry. A lover of all things coffee, Jackie’s hobbies include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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