Download this free restaurant employee evaluation form today.
Performance evaluations can be nerve-wracking – whether you’re giving a review or receiving one. At a busy restaurant, performance reviews can easily be forgotten. However, they’re an important tool in helping your staff achieve all-star status!
Fortunately, we’ve created a restaurant employee evaluation template to make things a little bit easier. Our four-page, printable restaurant employee evaluation form can help you both streamline your evaluation process and make the most of it.
What Is a Restaurant Employee Evaluation Form?
A restaurant employee evaluation form gives managers and supervisors a set of standards by which to measure employee performance over a certain period of time. These forms are typically used to facilitate performance reviews, which happen during milestones in an employee’s tenure, such as every quarter, every six months, or every year.
The employee evaluation form we’ve created helps you assess performance in different aspects of an employee’s current role, and evaluate opportunities for professional growth. By giving employees feedback, you can help them grow and improve. When you’re invested in an employee’s success, they’ll be more invested in your restaurant’s success.
Employees who are engaged in their work are less likely to leave, which saves your restaurant from disruptive and costly employee turnover.
How to Fill Out a Restaurant Employee Evaluation Form
After downloading our restaurant employee evaluation form PDF, follow these instructions for filling it out.
First things first, let employees know when to expect a performance review. This will help them give work their all for the time leading up to the review.
It’s important to fill out a performance evaluation before meeting with the employee to discuss it, as this gives you the opportunity to evaluate performance objectively.
Without further ado, here’s a section-by-section breakdown of how to fill out our restaurant employee evaluation form template.
Employee Information
Simply write the employee’s name and title, your name, and title, the date of the evaluation, and the date of the employee’s last evaluation in this section.
Restaurant Employee Performance Evaluation
Next up we have a table, which breaks down performance into different categories, such as quality of work, technical skills, and attitude. On a scale of one to five – one meaning poor performance and five meaning exceptional performance – you need to check the rating that best suits the employee’s performance for that skill set.
If you’d like to elaborate, you can write a comment about the employee’s performance in the box below each category. This is a great place to include examples that support the rating.
The last box, which is “overall performance,” allows you to summarize the employee’s performance as a whole.
In the goals section of the restaurant employee evaluation template, you’ll answer questions about the employee’s strengths and weaknesses. You can also give the employee the opportunity to evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses during the review.
Next, you’ll reflect on the employee’s past goals and set new ones. In the third box, record the employee’s goals from their past performance review. Then, decide whether or not they achieved these goals and provide details in the comments box. The employee can also provide their input on how well they met their goals.
The last part of the goals section prompts you to collaborate with the employee to come up with what they should work on until their next performance review. When your employee is involved in setting goals, they’ll be more likely to achieve them.
Sign Off
Sign and date the last section after you’ve filled out the rest of the printable restaurant employee evaluation form, and before you conduct the performance review. Then, have the employee sign this section after their performance review.
To get started with each of these sections, simply download our free restaurant employee evaluation PDF form today.